University of illinois Urbana-Champaign


Visualization Laboratory: Access

This page contains information for how to gain access to use the Visualization Laboratory. See fees and @* policies*@ Policies pages for further information not covered below.

Visualization Laboratory Registration

  1. Read the policies and complete the form at the bottom of the page agreeing to the terms and conditions.
  2. Email the Visualization Laboratory staff the following:
    1. University NetID
    2. University billable account number (CFOP) OR your student UIN (whichever your ITG access is to be charged to)
    3. Group shared lab folder if required
    4. Department name, group, advisor (if applicable), email and campus addresses, phone number
    5. A brief description of the intended project(s) to be completed in the lab
    6. A completed facilities usage agreement (non-UIUC users only)
  3. Activate your i-card

A UIUC issued i-card is required for Vis Lab access. Once your access has been given you will then need to visit the Beckman Institute main office (room 1317) to have your i-card access activated for the door to enter the lab. If you do not have a permanent UIUC i-card, a temporary card can be issued to you. After your new user orientation in the Visualization Laboratory.

Please contact the Visualization Laboratory staff if you require an orientation in which our staff will present an overview of the equipment available for use, Visualization Laboratory policies, and consulting procedures. During this meeting our staff will try to learn more about your project and how the lab can be of assistance. This can be scheduled typically during regular business hours, Monday-Friday between 9am-5pm.

Once registered with ITG to use the Visualization Laboratory, you have access to use the Visualization Laboratory facility 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.