Antheraea polyphemus Camera Comparison

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Created 09/12/2006
This composite image contains photographs from two ITG-owned cameras available for checkout. The Canon EOS-1Ds is an 11.1 megapixel SLR that we have had available for about two years now. It comes with a full complement of lenses in the range of 5x macro to 200mm. The Nikon Coolpix P3 is a camera we acquired earlier this summer, and is an 8.1 megapixel advanced "point and shoot" system with 3.5x zoom Nikkor glass lens. (The ITG also purchased a Sony Cybershot DSC-R1 10.3 megapixel camera that falls in the range between a "point and shoot" and an SLR. These are commonly referred to as "SLR-like" due to the quality of the lenses and features available.) Of the two cameras used here, the Nikon was used in complete "auto mode". The camera sensed low light conditions and automatically enabled the flash. The Canon was operated by Chas Conway who used the 24-70mm zoom lens and an external flash, with most of the settings manually set by Chas. The images produced were tweaked slightly using Adobe Photoshop. The Canon generates Camera Raw TIFs, which required very little adjustment. The Nikon produces JPGs, which in this case in Photoshop had a slight unsharp mask applied to it, and a filter to adjust the color to counteract the slight harshness of the flash and bring the color in line with the Canon. Otherwise, the images are close to original quality. The Polyphemus (Antheraea polyphemus) was found in the parking deck across the street from the Beckman Institute. It was a bit surprising to find one this late in the season in this area, though two broods per season have been reported from the Ohio River valley south.
- Chas Conway , ITG, Beckman Institute
- Daniel E. Weber , ITG, Beckman Institute